RM OGG Converter supports batch conversion between RM, RMVB, OGG files. It converts the audio files digitally-not through the soundcard-which enables you to make perfect copies of the originals.
RM OGG Converter is capable of Converting RM and RMVB file to OGG. Converting OGG to RM, RMVB. it adopts advanced LAME Encoder and OGG codec, allows you to generate high qualities of RM and OGG files. it offers rich options for your special requirements. Support MP3 VBR, RM VBR and OGG VBR.
it build with a small ID3 editor, you can add/edit the Title, Artist, Album, Year, Genre, Comment information into the files you create with the small editor.
Main Features:
- split a piece from a big ogg file.
- cut ogg files to wav files.
- cut ogg files to wma files.
- cut ogg files to mp3 files.
- With a small player built in for pre-listening.
- Visually define the time you want to split at by using a slider bar.
- Support edit file name.
- Adopt the files' order by clicking the Up or Down button.
- Batch split.
- Time precision of second.
- Friendly and easy user interface.